The Weigh-In, It Looms

I’m kind of dreading my Monday weigh-in, but I’m not going to skip it. This week I have not been diligent. I haven’t gotten all crazy, but I wasn’t the journaling, exercising, water-guzzling Point -Nazi that I was in Week One. I know why of course… hormones! Yay, hormones!

I had Coldstone again last night (I had some left over from the other night — still, only 1/2 cup!). I managed to maintain my Points , which I find really odd. In fact, when I glanced over my “view week” screen, I see that I’m actually under my Points every night except one, where I’m only 2 Points over. Now, I realize this is because I’ve exercised a couple days this week (so far), so I’d swapped some Activity Points™ for food (which I really hate, by the way — it irks me. And while I’m on the subject, I wish they would show how many AP you earned in the “week in review” page.).

I’m really not doing that poorly; my self-talk is just crappy this week because of the Moody Girl Time™. Damn you, uterus! This has happened every month for the last 21 years, you’d think I’d be prepared for it by now, but still, I get all pissy and worry that my weigh-in is going to be affected (of course it is! I’m so bloated, I look like Vince Vaughn, people.). I’m exhausted and don’t have any desire to work out; I’d rather nap on the couch and watch Tyra, but I’ve got 3 days until Weigh-In and this broad needs to get on the elliptical STAT!